Payroll Approver

This feature is aimed to be used by users with the Approver role. This tutorial will guide you on how to respond to payrolls and manage them.

Accessing the Payroll Manager Approver

To access this feature, go to the Sidebar menu, under Payroll, hover over Payroll. Then, click on Payroll Manager Approver.


Payroll Manager Approver

The Payroll Manager Approver is a manager solely to respond to any confirmed payrolls. The payrolls displayed here is depending on the department and section of the logged in Approver.


The table below dives a summary on the buttons available in the manager and their respective functions.

Button Function
Processed Payroll Redirects to the Processed Payroll Manager
Approve All Approves all the filtered payroll
Refresh Refreshes the data in the table

The following table will list down in details, the functions of the icon buttons that you can see in the data table.

Icon Button Function
Opens up a popup to view the details of the payroll
Opens up a popup to response to the payroll. Will be hidden once the approver has responded to the payroll

Searching and Filtering

To search for a record, click on the searchbar then type in the employee's name as shown in the image below.


To filter records, use the the dropdown on the right side of the Manager. You can filter the data by any of the filters available.


Viewing Payroll

To view the payroll details, click on the as shown in the image below. Once clicked, it will open up a popup with the details of the payroll.


Responding to Payroll

As an Approver there are 2 types of responses, namely Approved or Rejected. To respond to a payroll, click on the button. A popup will appear as shown in the image below. Select either Approve or Reject then click Done. The status of the payroll would be modified appropriately.


To approve multiple payrolls, click on the Approve All button after the table has been filtered. It will approve all the payrolls displayed in the table.


A popup will appear to confirm your intentions to approve all the payrolls. Click on Confirm. It will approve the payroll's status based on the Approver's level. Status 1 refers to the response from approver level 1 and status 2 refers to the response from approver level 2.
