
Since you can find the same functions in the different systems, we are grouped the tutorial videos into a General tab.

Login & Logout

This video guides you on how to log into the system and log out from the system.

Forget Password

If you forget your password, follow the video to reset your password.

My Account Change Password

If you wish to change your password, follow the video to change the password.

Switching Company and Switching System

This video guides you on how to switch between different Company and different System.

{info} The Company and System depend on which company and system have been assigned to you.

About Activity Log

This video is about Activity Log. The activity log recorded all the activities that have been done by a user.

{info} This function may not be able to be seen by certain users depending on the role.


Modules play an important role in the system. It will affect what function a user can access. There are two videos explaining how to manage a module and a demonstration situation.

1. Manage A Modules

2. More About the Modules