Document Library

A document library is a place for the user to keep all their softcopy files. It works like the computer folder system, where it builds up from folders and files. Here, you can create a folder and upload a file into it.

Each site has its own document library, that is important to remember that, different site member roles will have different restrictions on it.

{info} Different site member roles will have different restrictions on it.

For example, the collaborator can view and edit the file added by other site members or added on their own. However, they can only delete the file added by themselves.

Folder or File Access Setting

The Folder and File in the document library has their own access setting. This controls who can access that Folder or File.

There are six types of access settings. The table below describes their access permission.

# Access Setting Description
1 Public All site members can access
2 Private Cannot be access by any site members except the creator
3 Limit to specific department and staff category only Only the site members who is in the selected department and selected staff category can access
4 Limit to specific department only Only the site members who is in the selected department can access
5 Limit to specific staff category only Only the site members who is the selected staff category can access
6 Limit to specific site member only Only the selected site members can access

Watch the video to understand how the access settings work. You can also refer to the information below to understand the video.

Site Members in the Public Sites

# Name Department Staff Category Roles
1 Dayang Norashikin Binti Abang Julai Human Resource Division (HRD) Management Assistant Manager
2 Alex Ong Shy Chyn Land Management Division (LMD) Management Assistant Collaborator
3 Kustino Bin Satiman Human Resource Division (HRD) Management Assistant Consumer

Folders in Document Library

# Name Access Settings Remarks Who can access
1 Public Folder Public Dayang Alex Kustino
2 Private Folder Private Creator: Dayang Dayang
3 Department & Staff Category Folder Department and Staff Category HRD & Management Assistant Alex
4 Department Folder Department LMD Kustino
5 Staff Category Folder Staff Category Manager
(Dayang is the Site Manager)
6 Site Member Site Member Alex Ong Shy Chyn Alex

Manage A Folder

You can imagine the Folder in Document Library as the folder in the computer system. There are several functions you can do to the folder such as Add, Edit, View, Copy, Move, and Delete.

This video explaining about the Folder.

Manage A File

The File in Document Library can be any file such as Excel file, Document File, an image, a mp3 file, etc.

You can upload a file in to the Document Library. By default, the name of the file in the Document Library is named with the file name in your local system. The access setting will be set to Public.

This video guides you on how to Add, Edit, View, Download, Copy, Move, Delete, and Upload a new version for a file.

New Version Of A File

In the Document Library, you can upload a new version of a file. The system will display the latest uploaded file as a current version.

However, you can still restore to any other version, download, or view the other version file.


A workflow is a flow of tasks applied to a document or other related item. A workflow can be performed by a person, a group, or a department.

{info} A document can have many workflows. One workflow can have many tasks.

There are four types of workflow:

# Workflow Type Description
1 New Task Assign a task to an assignee
2 Review And Approve Assign an assignee to review and give the response to the document
3 Group Review And Approve Assign a department (site member) to review and give the response to the document. Required the percentage of approval
4 Send Document(s) For Review Assign a group of site member to review and give the response to the document. Required the percentage of approval

{warning} The workflow status can be updated by Admin, Site Manager, Collaborator, Contributor who own the workflow.

There are five status: Not Yet Started, In Progress, On Hold, Cancelled, and Completed.

{info} If the workflow status is completed, it will be removed from the Workflow(s) card.


A workflow can have many tasks. The amount of tasks of a workflow depends on the types of workflow and the total amount of assignees. Below are some examples to illustrate the relationship between Workflow and Task.

A New Task workflow is assigned to Alex Ong Shy Chyn. The workflow consists of 1 task. A Review And Approve workflow is assigned to Alex Ong Shy Chyn and Kustino Bin Satiman. The workflow consists of 2 tasks. A Group Review And Approve workflow is assigned to HRD. There are 3 site members from HRD department. The workflow consists of 3 tasks.

{warning} Important note: Only the assignee can respond to the assigned task.

Add A New Task Workflow

New Task Workflow is a new task of the file. For example, you want to ask the assignee to upload a new version of the file.

The video explained the New Task Workflow.

Add A Review And Approve Workflow

Review And Approve Workflow is a review task for a single assignee. For example, you want to ask Site Member A to review a document.

The video explained the Review And Approve Workflow.

Add A Group Review And Approve Workflow

A Group Review And Approve Workflow are used when you want to assign the review task to a group of assignees. The group here refers to the department. For example, request the Human Resource Department to review the document, so all the related site members will be invited to review it.

The video explained the Group Review And Approve Workflow.

Add A Send Document(s) For Review Workflow

A Send Document(s) For Review Workflow is similar to the Group Review And Approve Workflow. The difference between these two workflows is that Group Review And Approve Workflow assign to a department, but in Send Document(s) For Review Workflow, you can choose who are the assignees. For example, you can assign the review task to Site Member A, Site Member B, and Site Member C even they are in different departments.

The video explained the Send Document(s) For Review Workflow.